Ode To Strasbourg

(not an actual Ode )

Nestled in a unique location with generous French and German influences, this lovely city is a darling to visit. Cobblestone streets and Bavarian style architecture beckons one to wander and get lost. It breathes the essence of walking right into a painting of an old charming German town. My fascination is further piqued as I observe local passersby. In such beautiful surroundings, I am simply amazed at how nonchalantly they stroll. Are they not aware of such beauty? Perhaps being inundated with such picturesque scenes becomes mundane with time. Nonetheless, this visitor is captured and absolutely mesmerized.


1 & 2. General walkways lined with shops and restaurants

3. The Canal de la Marne au Rhine

4. Place Kléber is the central square of Strasbourg, France


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